Want to See Success in 2025? Answer These 5 Questions

What 5 questions will drive success in 2025?

Retail TouchPoints’ Alicia Esposito challenged industry leaders to answer the top questions that will drive the best outcomes in the year ahead. Alicia connected with our President, Sarah Engel, to answer this one:

How can brands tap into what’s culturally relevant and emotionally resonant?

Sarah outlined the impact of emotional commerce – the blending of nostalgia, innovation, and deeper connections between consumers and brands. She emphasized the need to understand customers on a deeper level, creating both meaning and community for them across digital and physical touchpoints – be that gaming, Spotify, VR, Reddit, Snap, or thumbing through an old-school catalog at their kitchen counter.

Here is Alicia’s full list of must-answer questions for brands aiming to succeed in 2025.

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